Tag: Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement

Implementation Committee CUPP Announcement

October 20th, 2008

To: University of Alabama Engagement Scholars and Aspiring Engagement Scholars:

One of the participants at the National Outreach Scholarship conference at Penn State October 6-8  2008, was Professor Angie Hart from the University of Brighton in England.  Angie and her community partner, Kim Aumann, were involved in the entire conference, presenting papers at a couple of sessions and offering poster sessions as well. Professor Hart provides academic and community leadership for the University of Brighton’s Community-University Partnership Program (Cupp). The second Cupp conference will be held at the University of Brighton April 2-3, 2009.  The links for the conference homepage and calendar of events are provided below. The work of Hart and her colleagues is described in their recent book Community-University Partnerships in Practice.  A review of this book by Jim Frabutt, University of Notre Dame, was published recently in Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, and reprinted here. "” Ted Alter, Penn State.