By Kirsten J. Barnes
CCBP Graduate Assistant

Dr. Beverly G. Hawk is not new to The University of Alabama or the Division of Community Affairs. In fact, she retired in 2013 after six years as director of UA's Crossroads Community Center, but she could not let her time at UA end there. So, when the opportunity arose this year to continue working with Community Affairs in the Center for Community-Based Partnerships (CCBP), she did not hesitate to accept the director of the Office of Program Services position.
Her multitude of duties now include coordinating CCBP's Language Learning Lab and overseeing the campus Fulbright Scholar Program application process. But one of her main duties, says colleague Dr. Edward Mullins, is as the division's "ace proofreader and copy editor for the scores of brochures, publications, programs, grant applications, websites, grant applications and other print, web and video materials we produce." Mullins is director of the Office of Research and Communications at CCBP.
"I've worked in media at all levels and all forms and I've never seen a better, more constructive copy editor/proofreader," Mullins said, "She catches the usual things, like mistakes in spelling and grammar, but she is also alert to matters of tone, common sense and history, which makes her very valuable indeed to our extensive publishing, video and web operation here at the center."
Her new position allows her to expand the boundaries of her cultural community to include areas outside of the University and the nation through work with engagement scholarship. "Community engagement as practiced at the University has gone international," Hawk said, "and Community Affairs understands that and the University sees that. Part of my position is to help faculty and students get U.S. Department of State grants to go overseas and engage communities around the world."
"CCBP is a perfect fit for Hawk's talents and energy," says Dr. Samory T. Pruitt, vice president of Community Affairs. "She brings together senior leadership, student energy, community wisdom and scholarly expertise, which makes for an especially creative collaboration."
Hawk enjoys international and multicultural work and says the Fulbright Scholar Program allows her to encourage UA students to take part in a program that helped shape her own career as an African Studies scholar. Hawk serves as the campus' adviser and coordinator for the Fulbright Scholar Program.
Hawk has been deeply involved in the Fulbright Program throughout her career, serving on the social science faculties of the University of Nairobi in 1994 and the University of Malawi in 2001. As part of her Fulbright service, she taught grant proposal writing at universities in Morocco, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Kenya and Malawi.
"The more you travel and the more cultures you encounter the more humble you have to be because you realize how big the world is and how little you know," said Hawk, who has visited more than a dozen countries. "You have to be comfortable making mistakes and apologizing for those mistakes and being willing to listen and learn."
As the former director of Crossroads, Hawk has interacted with students from all over the world. "Crossroads is a place for people to come together and bring the positive fruits of their cultures and share them to embrace practical tasks," said Hawk, who came to UA from Miles College in Birmingham, where she taught international studies, research methods, public administration and government. "If you are a positive person, then you'll want to be associated with a place that brings positive people together. As director of Crossroads, it was my honor to coordinate so many great leaders on campus."
Collaboration is really what engagement scholarship is all about, she said. "When we bring people together from different walks of life to weave something positive out of their collaboration, we get a beautiful result," she said.
Hawk's book, Africa's Media Image, published by Praeger, received a Sigma Delta Chi Award in 1992. It analyzes how the American press portrays Africa and was published in the year that the United States military went into Somalia to halt atrocities and address illness and starvation of the nation's citizens at the hands of its own military forces. "Because of this timing, the book still sells," Hawk said.
Hawk also served as editor for six years of African Issues, a journal of the African Studies Association and was elected to the association's International Board.
The social scientist-turned-author learned to write out of necessity. "I had something I needed to say to people that I had never met and would never meet. That's how I became a writer."
In 2000, Hawk received the Millennium International Volunteer Award, an award given by the State Department for initiatives in pursuit of international understanding. In 2004, she received the John Carroll University Alumni Medal in recognition of her work with AIDS orphans, and in 2005 she received a Fulbright Senior Specialist Award to continue her consultations with universities overseas.
Hawk received her bachelor's degree in political science from John Carroll University in her native Ohio, master's in African studies from Howard University, and master's and Ph.D. in political science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
In announcing her new appointment, Dr. Samory T. Pruitt, vice president for Community Affairs, said, "Our division and the hundreds of students we work with every semester are extremely fortunate to have a person on our staff with the encompassing humanitarian spirit and wealth of knowledge of Dr. Beverly Hawk."