We are excited to announce the launch of our online Proposal Submission System for the 2011 IARSLCE Annual Conferece. Please follow the submission instructions on the website. For technical assistance, you may use the support link at the top of each page. Proposals may be submitted here: http://precis2.preciscentral.com/Link.aspx?ID=AFD429CB5112B1B2
To be considered, all proposals must be received via online submission by April 15, 2011, 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time). Incomplete proposal submissions will not be reviewed. Proposals will be peer reviewed and notification of acceptance will be sent in June 2011.
Visit our website for further information.
ABSTRACTS should be limited to 100 words.
PROPOSAL NARRATIVES should be limited to 1000 words.
For questions about proposal content, please contact Patrick Green at pgreen@luc.edu
For general questions regarding the IARSLCE, please contact Stephanie O’Brien at sobrien1@tulane.edu
Para preguntas generales sobre la Asociación IARSLCE, favor de contactar a Ma. Isabel Cabrera at marisa.cabrera@itesm.mx