Request a call from a HomeFirst staff member to discuss how HomeFirst can help you set and achieve your plans to avoid foreclosure.
Foreclosure Prevention Pathway
We invite you to partner with HomeFirst to work toward your goal. Commit to our financial coaching program and receive the knowledge, support, and resources for successful foreclosure prevention.
Overview: The intake period will consist of one to two contacts. The first contact will consist of program introduction, pre-screening for program fit, and scheduling of the initial intake meeting. Participants in this pathway should meet the HomeFirst income guidelines, have a sufficient, stable, and reliable source of income, and have experienced a temporary financial impact from the COVID-19 pandemic. The second contact will consist of completing standard intake paperwork and additional financial information related to income, expenses, and current status of mortgage.
Topics: Overview, Registration, Privacy Statement, Financial Coaching Services Authorization, Liability Waiver, Supplemental Intake Information
Length: 1–2 contacts, 1–2 hours