TUSCALOOSA "” Another in the popular "Breakfast and Business" series sponsored by the Minority Business Forum (MBF) and The University of Alabama will be held Tuesday, April 19, in the Recruiting Room of Bryant-Denny Stadium, beginning at 7:45 a.m.
"Like the others in this series, this meeting will give minority vendors and contractors the chance to network with and hear from fellow suppliers, university officials and various service specialists to learn how to do more business with the university," according to program organizer Christopher H. Spencer, director of community development at the Center for Community-Based Partnerships (CCBP) on the UA campus."
"Participants tell us they receive valuable information at these meeting," Spencer said. "They establish useful contacts that have helped their businesses overall and their opportunities to do business with the University in particular."
Speakers from various UA business areas such as procurement services, contracts, construction, purchasing and other offices will address the participants. The UA divisions of Community Affairs and Financial Affairs are co-sponsors with the MBF.
The most recent program, on February 15, drew more than 60 business men and women from all over the state. For more information and to register, send an e-mail to chspencer01@ua.edu.
CCBP, whose slogan is "Engaging Communities and Changing Lives," is an initiative of the Office of Community Affairs connecting faculty, staff, students and community partners in research-based projects to help solve critical problems within communities.
Universty of Alabama students and professors, including several CCBP representatives, gathered with local arts advocates to honor Kathryn Tucker Windham and Charlie Lucas, “The Tin Man,” for cultural contributions in the University Club’s Sun Room on March 24. Windham was unable to attend. Pictured are Lucas (center), Chip Cooper (left), and Elliot Knight (right). To read more about Lucas’ work, pick up the upcoming issue of PARTNERS magazine.
Finding the right mentor can greatly improve a student’s or young faculty member’s chances of success. A student may need more than one mentor. The relationship should be reciprocal, with both sides benefiting. Undergraduates need encouragement to approach faculty for advice. The words “mentor” and “mentee” should be replaced with “better” words.
These were among many ideas floated at the second SCOPE (Scholars for Community, Outreach, Partnership, and Engagement) workshop of the semester held at 131 Lloyd Hall, Monday, February 28.
Despite being under a thunderstorm alert, 20 faculty and students attended the workshop.
Workshop No. 3, covering the procedures for Institutional Review Board certification, will be held March 28 at the same time and place.
Here are some other ideas expressed at the meeting or e-mailed to the workshop organizers after the meeting.
“It seems there is a lack of understanding on the undergraduate level of what a mentor is in academia and how to go about getting one or several. I have heard many frustrations about advisers not giving individualized attention to students, and I think this stems from the actual differences between an adviser and mentor, but the perception from some students is that this person should play both roles. “” Elliot Knight
“I think finding a mentor should not be a casual, oh-it’ll-happen-thing. The student needing a mentor should take an activist position. Of course from the other side, I am often seeking mentees who are good at something I am not so good at. For example I was once up to date on SPSS, but no more”” too many changes since my grad school days. So I seek students who can bring me up to speed. Who, then, is the mentor and who is the mentee? “” Ed Mullins
“I thought that the workshop was interesting and helped to break down the barriers for students, especially undergraduates, who wished to approach faculty with ideas. While I thought that the panel represented an interesting mix of faculty and students who talked in general about mentoring, I felt that the accounts given tended to be vague and nonspecific. I believe a workshop such as that (which was really a panel presentation, though advertised as a “workshop”) would have benefited from hearing from those involved in a mentor/mentee “¦ relationship who could speak to the “here and now” of the situation, rather than recalling past relationships or speaking in vague terms.” [And on another issue] “Now that we have had good attendance at one workshop, it should be easier to get the word out for the next one. I would suggest, along with listservs, printed fliers and even “˜chalking the walk’ before the next workshop.” “” Jackie Brodsky
“One of the things that I found interesting enough that we should pursue it is making undergraduates feel comfortable approaching faculty with ideas and questions. Also, I was wondering if we should try to put together teams of two or three to attend faculty meetings in each college to explain who we are [SCOPE] and what our presence on campus means.” “” Maryann Whitaker
Other matters covered: mentoring can occur both inside and outside the institution; since mentoring is a two-way street, roles and responsibilities for each member should be identified; schedule regular meetings; assess your progress; be honest about what’s working and what isn’t; be candid if either member is not doing what’s needed or expected; examine the printed and online resources regarding mentoring.
Serving as moderators for the workshop were Dr. George Daniels and Dr. Heather Pleasants. Members of the panel were Maryann Whitaker, Elliot Knight, Lane McLelland, Dr. Danny Wallace, and Dr. Wilson Lowrey.
Either print the PDF and send a hard copy to: Janet Griffith 254 Rose Administration, or email an electronic version to Janet at janet.griffith@ua.edu. All nominations must be received by 5 p.m., Wednesday, April 6.
We are excited to announce the launch of our online Proposal Submission System for the 2011 IARSLCE Annual Conferece. Please follow the submission instructions on the website. For technical assistance, you may use the support link at the top of each page. Proposals may be submitted here: http://precis2.preciscentral.com/Link.aspx?ID=AFD429CB5112B1B2
To be considered, all proposals must be received via online submission by April 15, 2011, 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time). Incomplete proposal submissions will not be reviewed. Proposals will be peer reviewed and notification of acceptance will be sent in June 2011.
For the past decade, the Advances in Service-Learning Research volume series has served the service- learning/community engagement community as a primary publishing venue and a major source of current information on theory, issues, and findings in this rapidly-expanding research field.
The International Association for Research on Service-learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE) is pleased to announce that as of 2012, the Advances in Service-Learning series, sponsored by the IARSLCE, will become a journal, published by Information Age Publishing, Inc. The new International Journal of Research on Community Engagement will be edited by an active member of the IARSLCE. In the first three years of its publication, the journal will be published once a year. The Journal Editor will solicit manuscripts at large annually in January and will send them out for peer review, with the aim of making final decisions by April of each year.
The IARSLCE Publications Committee is seeking applications for the position of Editor of this new IARSLCE journal. This position is an exciting opportunity to shape and contribute to emerging scholarship in the field of service-learning and community engagement. The Editor will be involved with appointment of the editorial review board (see below), supervise the review and publication process, and supervise all marketing for the journal.
Please see the attached document for full instructions, or click here to view on our website.
The Distinguished Research Award recognizes any researcher who has a distinguished record of research and scholarly contributions on service-learning and community engagement.
The Early Career Research Award recognizes outstanding early career contributions to scholarship on service-learning and community engagement.
The Dissertation Award recognizes a dissertation that advances research on service-learning and/or community engagement through rigorous and innovative inquiry.
Ten $500 Graduate Student Scholarships are provided by the Association on a competitive basis for support to attend the conference.
Distinguished Research and Early Career Research Awards nominations must be received by May 2, 2011.Recipients will be notified in early June.
Dissertation Award nominations are due by June 30, 2010. Recipients will be notified in early August.
The award recipients receive an invitation to make a presentation at the annual IARSLCE conference, a plaque (to be presented at the conference), and a monetary award in the form of complimentary IARSLCE conference registration and one-night hotel accommodations.
Graduate Student Scholarships are due July 30, 2011.Please indicate if you have had a paper or poster presentation accepted for the conference. Scholarship recipients will be notified by mid-August.
This interdisciplinary, edited collection will foreground the challenges of researching and representing activism in Latin America, the Caribbean, and the diaspora. Researching justice, resistance, and feminism in the Americas invariably produces tensions: Between the researcher and the subjects; the researcher and her academic discipline; the researcher's insider and outsider positions; between competing interpretations of history. For example, how does one research a movement centered in a tourist destination without turning the activists into objects of the tourist gaze? How does one research against a group or nation's dominant leftist political narrative without undermining a social justice agenda and alienating herself from activists? How does one center the voices of resistance without speaking directly with those protagonists? How does one navigate the contentious field of human rights advocacy without further victimizing the survivors while still acknowledging their suffering? How does one reconcile the divide between activists and academic discipline as audience? How do activist scholars negotiate generational gaps that may exist between themselves and the academic and activist communities to which they belong? This anthology focuses on tensions like these that arise in the process of doing research connected to activism. Taking Risks is meant to serve as a dialogue among scholars committed to social justice scholarship.
While providing a theoretically and empirically original case study of an historical or contemporary social justice movement, contributors will be asked to address several topics in their essays: 1) How does a feminist ideology or methodology influence your research agenda and position; 2) what sort of tensions have you encountered in your research; 3) how/have those tensions altered your research agenda, and 4) how have you chosen to navigate those tensions?
Presently we have contributors who have advanced degrees in: Art History, Human Development, Latin American History, Romance Languages and Literature, Sociology, Theater, and Women's Studies. Our current case-studies include: Human rights activism in Chile, political graffiti in Oaxaca, the independent library movement in Cuba, women resisting violence in MedellÃn, the Juarez murders, human trafficking and forced labor, and Chilean exile feminism. Please email a proposal of 900 (or less) words, a 150 word abstract, and a two-page CV to Julie Shayne jshayne@u.washington.edu. Proposals should clearly explain your research and how you imagine writing a chapter that both presents your research and the tensions inherent in it in a methodologically and theoretically compelling way.
Deadline for submission: June 13, 2011. If your proposal is accepted I will need your final draft by August 1, 2011. Papers should be approximately 35 double spaced pages (~12,000 words).
Julie Shayne, Ph.D.
Lecturer, UW Bothell
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Center for University Studies and Programs
Affiliate Associate Professor, UW Seattle
Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies
Latin American and Caribbean Studies
For the past decade, the Advances in Service-Learning volume series has served the service learning/community engagement community as a primary publishing venue and a major source of current information on theory, issues, and findings in this rapidly-expanding research field.
The International Association for Research on Service-learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE) is pleased to announce that as of 2012, the Advances in Service-learning series, sponsored by the IARSLCE, will become a journal, published by Information Age Publishing, Inc. The new Advances in Service-Learning and Community Engagement Journal will be edited by an active member of the IARSLCE. In the first three years of its publication, the journal will be published once a year. The Journal Editor will solicit manuscripts at large annually in January and will send them out for peer review, with the aim of making final decisions by April of each year.
The IARSLCE Publications Committee is seeking applications for the position of Editor of this new IARSLCE journal. This position is an exciting opportunity to shape and contribute to emerging scholarship in the field of service-learning and community engagement. The Editor will be involved with appointment of the editorial review board (see below), supervise the review and publication process, and supervise all marketing for the journal.
To Apply:
Each applicant should submit a CV and a letter of interest that details areas of expertise, scholarship, and previous editorial experience. Given that serving as Editor of the journal will require significant professional, unpaid service, it will be also important to indicate the kinds of support that will be provided by the applicant's institution. Such support might include a course release, graduate student or administrative support, office space, etc. (though this is not required to apply).
Applications are due to Stephanie O'Brien at sobrien1@tulane.edu by May 2, 2011. Questions about this opportunity may be directed to KerryAnn O'Meara komeara@umd.edu or Barbara Moely moely@tulane.edu, IARSLCE Publications Committee Co-Chairs.
The IARSLCE Board will review applications and appoint an Editor by May 30. The Editor will work with the IARSLCE's Publications Committee Co-Chairs to appoint an editorial review board that represents the diversity of areas of research on service-learning and community engagement, research designs, forms of scholarship and range of educational settings representative of our membership and conference scholarship. The initial Call for Submissions will be issued in the fall of 2011.
The IARSLCE is soliciting applications for the positions of Conference Proceedings Editor and Editorial Fellows. The Conference Proceedings Editor and Editorial Fellows will oversee the publication of a new online IARSLCE Annual Conference Proceedings. The published Proceedings will include accepted paper abstracts from each year's conference and serve as an added resource, especially for international audiences. The new Proceedings will increase the public visibility of the conference scholarship and the potential of communication with other researchers.
Proceedings Timeframe and Editorial Work:
Editorial work will occur over the summer prior to the Fall IARSLCE conference.
The Editor and Editorial Fellows will be appointed by June 15, 2011 and begin their work in July, 2011.
Proceedings will be published on line prior to the annual conference, no later than October 1, 2011.
Qualifications for and Responsibilities of the Conference Proceedings Editor:
The Editor must be a member of the IARSLCE.
Both Conference Proceedings Editor & Editorial Fellows will have 2-year appointments.
The IARSLCE Board will work with the Graduate Student Network to review applications and appoint a scholar as Conference Proceedings Editor.
The Editor will supervise the work of the Editorial Fellows and work closely with an Associate Editor, appointed from the Graduate Student Network Steering Committee.
While it is not required that the Proceedings editor have institutional in-kind support for these efforts, if this is possible, applicants should mention this in their application.
Qualifications for and Responsibilities of the Editorial Fellows:
The IARSLCE Board will appoint approximately ten Editorial Fellows from within the Graduate Student Network.
Work will primarily entail selecting and editing the abstracts and 1000-word summaries of accepted papers submitted for the annual conference into a common form suitable for the Proceedings. Recent conferences have had 120 papers selected for the conference.
Editorial Fellows must be members of the IARSLCE Graduate Student Network.
Previous editing experience is desirable but not required.
These positions will create an opportunity for graduate students to learn more about the process of editing and publishing, as well as working collaboratively with and learning from a more senior scholar.
To apply to be the Editor of the Proceedings or to be an Editorial Fellow: Please submit, by May 2, 2011,a letter of interest highlighting research background and interests, editorial review experience, and CV, to the Publications Committee Co-Chairs, KerryAnn O'Meara and Barbara Moely, at the IARSLCE Office: sobrien1@tulane.edu.