Vision Days Legacy Ambassadors
The Vision Days Legacy Ambassadors are selected annually though an open application process. Legacy Ambassadors are responsible for assisting with high school mentoring in the Vision Days program, designing monthly Legacy meetings, organizing FAFSA or community-driven events, and sharing information about Vision Days with campus.
The Vision Days Legacy Ambassador application will open in April and selected ambassadors will be notified in May.
Vision Days Legacy
Vision Days Legacy is a group of students who meet up monthly for fellowship. Most frequently, Legacy students previous attended Vision Days as high school students and support Vision Days through volunteering their time during visits.
Topics covered at previous monthly meetings include: winning scholarships and grants, the power of networking (ft. UA alumni), how to best connect with Alabama high school students, and more!
Dinner is provided at all monthly meetings.
Community-Engaged Scholars Living Learning Community
This LLC provides first-year, undergraduate students with an opportunity to connect, collaborate, and explore the Tuscaloosa area through community engagement. Community engagement is the process of working collaboratively with and through groups of people affiliated by geographic proximity, special interest, or similar situations to address issues affecting the well-being of those people. Accepted LLC students live together in Riverside East.
Interested in getting connected?
Send us an email using the form provided or call Daniela Susnara, Director of Planning and Assessment for Community Engagement, at 205-348-1007.
Resources On-Campus
Legacy Scholars
A community of freshman The University of Alabama who are starting a new legacy as the first in their families to go to college.
BRIDGE Men of Color
A student leadership team for men of color who help BRIDGE participants to construct their path at UA.
Lucy’s Legacy
A living-learning community for women interested in the historical significance and experiences of women of color at UA.
Camp 1831
First-year students will explore where they fit on campus and feel part of the UA family before they ever step foot in the classroom.