![The Tuscaloosa Consortium for Higher Education logo represents The University of Alabama, Shelton State Community College, and Stillman College.](https://ccbp.ua.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/TCHA_Header.png)
We believe this partnership of a public flagship research university, an historically black college, and a community college — all in a single community — is truly unique.
TCHE institutions foster respectful and supportive relationships with institutions of higher education in our city and we have a commitment to advance community engagement through various initiatives and partnerships.
TCHE has supported such projects as a series of “Great Conversations” aimed at preserving the history of black Tuscaloosans in the civil rights struggle; a program that involves teachers and students in preserving the monarch butterfly; an experimental method of teaching algebra at the college level; a computer system designed to study species distribution in Alabama waterways; and an early-detection program designed to reduce the incidence of breast cancer among low-income women living in Tuscaloosa.
TCHE supports joint curriculum development designed to enhance program availability for all students. Joint honors courses for Stillman and UA students, a collaborative RN/BSN program between Shelton State and UA, and collaborative summer study-abroad programs are a few examples of these highly successful joint ventures.
The Alabama Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) Program
UA: Dr. Viola L. Acoff
SC: Dr. Josiah Samson
Alabama LSAMP: Sustainability of Best Practices for STEM Education and Research, is designed with the overall goal to implement and study innovative, evidence-based, sustainable best practices in STEM education and research experiences for undergraduates designed to increase the quality and quantity of underrepresented minority students by enhancing the STEM educational experience.
Tier 2 CrossingPoints Summer Bridge Program
The overarching purpose is to provide college-age students with intellectual disabilities a structured opportunity to experience, explore, and develop skills for pursuing postsecondary education at an institution of their choice.
Collegiate 100 Auxiliary Program of 100 Black Men of America
UA: Dr. George Daniels
SSCC: Eric Prewitt
The primary purpose of the Collegiate 100® program is to provide an avenue for 100 Black Men chapters to continue their one-on-one and group mentoring to students as they matriculate from high school to college; thereby supporting the Mentoring The 100 Way® Across a Lifetime™ initiatives.
To qualify for these automatic offers, students must be in-state residents and transfer from an Alabama community college.
Community College Distinguished Scholarship
A student with a 3.75 – 4.0 cumulative GPA and at least 45 hours of transferable coursework will receive $5,000 per year for two years (four semesters).
Community College Achievement Scholarship
A student with a 3.5 – 3.74 cumulative GPA and at least 45 hours of transferable coursework will receive $3,000 per year for two years (four semesters).
All-Alabama Academic Team Scholarship
Students named to the team will receive $1,000 per year plus a book grant of $300 per year for two years (four semesters).
Competitive scholarships are offered to students who exhibit strong leadership experience, community involvement, and academic excellence. To be considered for the competitive scholarships that follow, students must be in-state residents, complete the scholarship application, and transfer from an Alabama community college. Students awarded a competitive scholarship who are also eligible for an automatic award will receive the scholarship with the higher value.
Community College Presidential Scholarship
Tuition for two years (four semesters). Community colleges within the state of Alabama are eligible to nominate their students. Please see your community college President’s office for information on the nomination process and requirements.
Financial Aid Community College Honors Scholarship
Tuition for two years (four semesters)
Community College Excellence Scholarship
Tuition for two years (four semesters)
National Alumni Association Community College Honors Scholarship
$2,000 per year, plus a book grant of $300 per year for two years (four semesters)
UA: Katara Wilson and Andrea Foster
SSCC: Andrea Bowden Evans
RNs who hold an associate degree or hospital diploma in nursing may enroll in either the RN to BSN or the RN to BSN/MSN track. Both programs of study are designed to allow nurses to continue working while completing the requirements for an advanced degree. All of the nursing courses are taught online and every effort is made to allow students to complete the clinical activities in an area close to their home.
UA: Brittnay McMillian
SSCC: Dr. Kevin Windham
Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society recognizes and encourages scholarship among two-year college students. Shelton State’s Alpha Epsilon Iota chapter of Phi Theta Kappa provides opportunities for the development of leadership and service, an intellectual climate for the exchange of ideas and ideals, lively fellowship for scholars, and stimulation of interest in continuing academic excellence. Often referred to as “the Phi Beta Kappa of the two-year college,” the Society offers a variety of state and national trips, honors seminars, and scholarships. Full- or part-time students who have earned a 3.5 cumulative GPA and have completed 12 semester hours in an associate’s degree program will be invited to become members.
Students who transfer from an Alabama community college with a 3.5 GPA, have at least 45 hours of transferable coursework, select the PTK Scholarship on the scholarship application, and show proof of membership will receive $1,500 per year for two years (four semesters). This award cannot be combined with full-tuition scholarships.
We are interested in highlighting TCHE partnerships or initiatives involving all three institutions or projects between two institutions. We invite our colleagues at TCHE institutions to share information related to activities in which TCHE institutions are collaboratively involved. Examples include academic programs, grants, training and development activities, student activities, community-engaged research/scholarship, and service-learning opportunities. Please share institutional programs and partnerships by contacting the TCHE liaison at each institution.
TCHE Institutional Liaisons
Shelton State Community College
The University of Alabama
Nicole B. Prewitt, EdD
Director of Programs and Partnerships for Community Engagement w 205.348.9819 | m 205.650.0413 nbprewitt@ua.edu
Stillman College
RaSheda Workman, MA Vice
President for Strategic Initiatives w 205.349.4240 ext. 8018 rworkman@stillman.edu